How to Care and Propagate: Neem Plant

Introduction: Neem Tree also known as an Azadirachta indica, fast-growing tree of the mahogany family. Neem is native to the Indian subcontinent. Neem Plant normally grows well in tropical regions. Neem Tree is valued as a medicinal plant and as a source of organic pesticides. In India, Neem is also known to be auspicious for the house. According to Vastu experts, planting a neem tree in the house garden brings peace and harmony to the residents and removes all the negativities and bitterness in relationships. Soil & Climate Requirement: Neem plant grows in all types of soil but it should be well-drained soil. Good soil composition is a success of good growth of the plant. Soil mixture: 60% gardening soil, 20% cow manure, and 20% River sand. Neem Plant should be placed outdoor where it can receive good direct sunlight. The plant then will grow healthy. If the plant is young, avoid placing it in direct intense sunlight in summer. Fertilizer Requirement: One can provide organic ...