How to Care and Propagate: Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica Plant)


  • Rubber Plant also known as “Ficus Elastica” which is widely found in Southeast Asia.
  • It is one of the low maintenance plant among all houseplants to grow. There are different varieties of Rubber plant.
  • These plants somewhat have an appearance like tree due to its height and long leaves which are beautiful and of different colours. The main gist of this plant of being attractive is its broad and shiny leaves which adds to any home décor art work.

Soil & Climate:

  • It requires well-drained and well-aerated potting soil.
  • A good mixture of soil should be composed of 30 % of cocopeat, 20% river sand or perlite, 40% of gardening soil & 10% of fertilizer.
  • Regards to fertilizer use, one can use cow manure or any organic fertilizer, but it should be fertilized in growing season only i.e., summer season.
  • Mainly it is observed that the plant growth is restricted or slow if it is kept in small pot. But if kept outside during the summer season, it grows to a great height in few years.
  • Re-potting is required for this plant, since their growth will stop. However, re-potting should be done in such a pot which is just an inch bigger than the previous one.

Light requirement:

  • It grows well in bright light. Also, plant can grow if it receive direct early morning sunlight before 10am or late afternoon light after 4pm.
  • If placed in sunlight, then its leaves will lose its luster thereby reducing its radiancy and falling of leaves will occur.

Water Technique:

  • Watering need to this plant varies according to the season.
  • The growing season for this plant is summer season where the plant should be kept moist all the time. The leaves should be wiped off with the damp cloth.
  • Other than summer, it may rarely need water once or twice a month, but when watering is done to this plant, it should be well watered. 


  • Rubber plant is commonly propagated from its stem cuttings.
  • Take a small stem from a healthy plant and put it in water and let it root.
  • Once it gets rooted then place it in good soil mix.

Vital Tips:

  • Watering the plant with lukewarm water will lead to a healthy growth of plant. Also one can use cold tap water by bringing it to room temperature.
  • Re-potting should not be done in big pots.
  • The plant will automatically indicate the need of more sunlight or water, if the lower leaves are getting fallen off.
  • Rubber plant can cause skin irritation, so always wash hands after handling the plant.

Thanks and best of Luck!

Happy Planting!

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