How to Care and Propagate: ZZ Plant


  • ZZ Plant also known as “Zamioculcas Zamiifolia”, a tropical perennial plant which is native to African Continent.
  • This plant is easy to care as it requires low maintenance.
  • ZZ plant got its fame due to the structure of its leaves, the way they bloom in a tapering end with wax-glossy lustre and attractive stem, dark green colour and shape of leaves. This really makes them eye-catching and also helps to add décor look to any place where it is been placed.

Soil & Climate:

  • It does not require any specific composition of soil but a well-drained and well-aerated potting soil is good for its growth.
  • In addition to this, one can use a mixture of potting soil and perlite as a soil mixture.
  • It requires temperatures between 65°F-75°F, however they survive in a humid climate.
  • Regards to fertilizer use, one can use liquid houseplant fertilizer (20-20-20) once a month at the time of watering.
Light requirement:

  • It grows well in bright light but not direct sunlight.
  • If placed in moderate or extremely low light, it will do fine.
  • Also if its leaves are getting curled or yellow, it indicates that the plant is receiving much amount of light. In this case, move the plant to a shadier location.

Water Technique:

  • Water the plant only if the soil has dried out.
  • Like above mentioned about yellowing of its leaves; due to overwatering also yellowing of leaves can take place.
  • If a routine is set to water this plant, then one can water it every fifteen days.
  • It can survive for a longer period of time without water.
  • It grows from its rhizomes that somewhat have an appearance like a potato. These rhizomes stores water and hence it requires less water.

  • ZZ plant can be propagated from its cuttings.
  • By keeping the cutting (cutting with two leaves and stem) in water, it will bear the roots after 30 days, then one can plant it in the pot.
  • Another way of propagation is to plant the leaf directly in soil and after 15 to 30 days the roots will come out, then again plant it in the same soil.

Vital Tips:

  1. ZZ plant improves the air quality of the indoor environment.
  2. It will also do well if placed under fluorescent light.
  3. The major disadvantage of the plant is that every part of the plant is poisonous, hence keep it away from pets and children. Also, wash the hands thoroughly after handling the plant.
  4. ZZ grows faster if its rhizomes are cultivated together.
  5. The best time to repot the plant in the spring and summer season.

Thanks and best of luck!

Happy Planting!

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