How to Care and Propagate: Spider Plant


  • Spider Plant also known as “Chlorophytum comosum”, a tropical perennial plant that is native to tropical and Southern Africa.
  • This plant is easy to grow at home as a houseplant in its variegated forms.
  • Spider plant has gained importance due to the formation and appearance of its leaves.
  • The graceful structure of its leaves makes this plant adjustable at any place and it looks lovelier if planted in hanging pots.
  • This plant is the most demanding among plant lovers due to its easy care quality, gorgeous look and its nature of reducing indoor pollutants from the air.

  • In addition to this, the Spider plant is similar in looks with Dracena Reflexa Plant and Pandanus Plant; but their origin, care and requirements are different from each other. 

Soil & Climate:

  • It should be planted in a composition of organic fertilizer or compost, sand and potting soil. However, the soil should be moist all the time but not too wet or too dry.
  • The pot in which the plant is kept should be well-drained and well aerated.
  • It requires temperatures between 60°-80° during the daytime and around 55° at night time. However, they survive well in a low humid climate.
  • Regards to fertilizer use, one can use organic or liquid fertilizer or any other will also do. The plant should be fertilized twice a month in a year i.e., in the spring and summer season.

Light requirement:

  • It grows well in bright light but not direct sunlight.
  • Bright or moderate indirect sunlight is perfect for this plant.
  • Spider plant grows in low light also but if placed in bright indirect light then it flourishes well.

Water Technique:

  • Water the plant only if the soil has dried out or one can keep the watering schedule as water only when top half soil is dry.
  • Mostly in winter season, this plant will require less water as its growth rate is low in this particular season.


  • Spider plant can be propagated from its Cuttings and Spiderettes
  • Spiderettes are produced by the mature spider plants at the end of their long stiff stems. This spiderettes should be sticked in a glass of water for one or two weeks and then plant its roots in the soil pot.
  • Another way of propagation is to cut off the small plant and then plant it in a moist soil pot and do little watering on regular basis.

Vital Tips:

  • If browning of leaves happens then allow the plant to absorb the water fully or one can use filtered water for the same.
  • It will also grow well if placed under artificial lights.
  • Misting should be done to this plant regularly.
  • The spider plant is non-toxic and safe for all humans and animals.
  • If accidentally leaves of the plant droops down or soil gets dry, then soak the plant in water.
  • Repotting need occurs to the plant when the roots fill the pot and there is no space where water can be absorbed.

 Thanks and best of luck!

Happy Planting!

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