How to Care and Propagate: Golden Pothos / Money Plant


  • Money Plant also known as Golden Pothos/Devil's Ivy or Devil's Vine.
  • It is called Devil’s Ivy or Devil Vine because it is almost impossible to kill and it stays green even when kept in the dark.
  • Money Plants can easily be grown in pots, containers, indoors, outdoors, on the terrace, in the balcony or in the kitchen.
  • Mostly in India, it is believed having Money Plant at home brings many benefits such as good luck, wealth, happiness and prosperity.
  • It is sometimes mistakenly labelled as a Philodendron in plant stores.

Soil & Climate:

  • Money Plant can be easily grown in water or soil.
  • Money Plant can also be grown with jellies in the pot. Jellies are capable to store water for a long time.
  • Ideal soil mixture: 50% Gardening Soil, 40% Cocopeat and 10% Compost.
  • Money Plant should be kept at room temperature at around 15’C to 24’C. This will give it the most optimum conditions to grow.


  • One can provide fertilizer to plant once a month while watering.
  • Fertilizer should be provided in the evening as the root might get burned and die due to constant exposure to the harsh sunlight.
  • In the winter, you don’t need to fertilize at all.

Potting & Re-potting:

  • The size of the pot always depends on the size of the plants. But for Money Plant you should idle select small or medium well drained system.
  • The best way of growing Money Plant is by ensuring that it remains root bound. This means that you should grow it in a smaller pot initially so that the roots have room to move about but not stretch out too far. Eventually, you can just re-pot it in a bigger pot.
  • Many people prefer to grow Money Plants in just a bottle of water and keep it near the window which climbs up the window beautifully. In such cases, the Money Plant care instructions would be different.

Light Requirement:

  • Money Plant generally grows well in direct sunlight in garden, in indoor places, or low light conditions.
  • A partially sunny and partially shady area is also preferred for good growth of Money Plants.
  • This plant can sustain a high amount of sunlight but one must remember that unpleasant sunlight in summer will burn the leaves. So, select a shady yet bright area on the terrace, balcony, garden or indoor space would be great for Money Plant.

Water Technique:

  • There is a trick to water a Money Plant. It can thrive when you water it adequately or underwater it. But good watering technique can help your plant to grow fast and stay healthy.
  • In Winter Season, water your Money Plant once in two ~ three days.
  • In Summer Season, water it every day and Spray water twice a day.


  • Money Plant can be easily propagated.
  • Preferred way to propagate Money Plant is by cuttings of the stem where aerial roots are developed. Money Plant can be grown in both soil and water.

Vital Tips:

  1. Repotting should be done every 15~18 months.
  2. Don’t provide fertiliser in the winter months.
  3. Don’t keep Money Plant expose to sunlight during summer. Evening sunlight is enough.
  4. Overwatering can cause root rot.
  5. Select well-drained pot and soil for Money Plant.
  6. If you’re growing Money Plant in water, replace the water every day or once in two days.

Thanks and best of Luck!

Happy Planting!

I would like to hear your thoughts, suggestions and any questions in the comments below.


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