How to Care and Propagate: Jade Plant


  • Jade Plant is also known as “Crassula Ovata”, is a succulent plant that is native to African Continent. It is also known for bringing good luck and prosperity.
  • This plant is easy to care for as it requires low maintenance, low light, and little water which is suitable for an indoor environment. 
  • The Jade plant’s main attraction is the structure of its oval-shaped leaves, which gives a miniature look thus adding to one of the most attractive live home décor piece. Hence it got popularity among Indoor Houseplants.
  • The jade plant's look is somewhat like a bonsai plant, which makes it an eye-catching wherever it is being placed. It also looks good when hanged in macramé planters.
  • Due to their long lifespans, jade plants are being given as gifts that can last for a lifetime and from generation to generation.

Soil & Climate:

  • Jade plants grow best at room temperature of 65° to 75°F / 18° to 24°C, but prefer slightly cooler temperatures at night and in the winter to 55°F / 13°C.
  • If you keep Jade outdoors during the summer, make sure to bring it inside once temperatures begin to fall to around 50°F (10°C) in autumn.
  • In addition to this, one can use a mixture of potting soil and perlite as a soil mixture. Use soil that will drain thoroughly, as excessive moisture can cause root rot.
  • During the winter season, move the plants away from cold windows and keep them inside the house.
  • Use a diluted mixture of liquid houseplant fertilizer or one can use fertilizers made for cactus and succulents.

Light Requirement:

  • It grows well in indirect bright light but not direct sunlight.
  • Jade plants need at least four hours of direct sunlight each day. Young plants should be kept in bright indirect sunlight and large jade plants can be kept in direct sunlight. 
  • If one has a window that is south facing, keep the plant at that place as it receives enough light.
  • In addition to this, if the leaves are getting curled or yellow, it indicates that the plant is receiving much more amount of light. In this case, move the plant to a place where there is a good amount of shade.

Watering Technique:

  • As a succulent, Jade requires little water irrespective of any season. 
  • In the spring and summer, when the plant growth is high, it will require more water than at other times of the year. Water it thoroughly and wait until the soil is dried out before watering it again.
  • In the winter season, the plant may go dormant, causing it to grow slow. During this time, it does not need much water. Large Jade Plants may not need more than one or two times watering through this whole period.
  • Excessive watering can cause root rot and falling of leaves can occur.
  • If the plant starts to drop its leaves or if brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, it indicates the need for more water. 
  • If leaves become squishy and waterlogged, the plant is getting too much water.
  • Use filtered or distilled water for watering, since the Jade plant is sensitive to salts found mainly in tap water.
  • Avoid misting water on the leaves while watering, as this can expose them to rot in a humid environment.


  • Jade plants are adjustable in a small pot. In fact, keeping them root bound will keep the plant smaller and more manageable.
  • Repot young jade plants once every 2 to 3 years to encourage growth. If one has an old jade plant then re-pot once every 4 to 5 years or as necessary.
  • Repot the plant at the start of spring, just before the growing season begins.
  • After repotting, do not water the plant for a week, wait at least a month before fertilizing so that to avoid fresh roots getting burned.


  • You can propagate Jade from its Leaf and even stem cutting. Make sure you are selecting a healthy leaf or stem for propagation.
  • Once you select the cutting, apply wet soil at the bottom of the stem and then put that stem in a small container in the mixture of cocopeat and garden soil.
  • Roots will develop around 14 days to 45 days depending on climatic conditions.
  • Once the plant grows to 12 to 15cm tall you can treat it like a normal plant and place it in a small pot for further growth.

Vital Tips:

  • If one wants a flower to jade plant then keep the plant in a small pot and root-bound.
  • Cool temperatures in the winter season help in blooming.
  • After planting a jade plant, do not water it immediately. One should wait for some span of time to let the plant get settle and recover from damage if any.
  • Jade plants are mildly toxic to humans as well as to cats, dogs, and horses.
  • Regards to pots, one can use Terracotta clay pots which are more favorable for the plant and allows the soil to dry out quicker, which helps prevent root rot. If one uses Ceramic or Plastic pots, ensure proper drainage and water it less frequently.
  • Wipe leaves with a damp cloth in several intervals to keep its foliage looking fresh and attractive.
  • One can grow more jade plants by plucking their leaves and planting them in the soil so that they can form roots.

Thanks and best of luck!
Happy Planting!
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